Please fill in the following application form. We will contact you afterwards to confirm the time and date of your visit.
Please understand that depending on the number of reservation scheduled, we might not be able to fulfill your initial request.

* Complementary admission up to 2 teachers or travel company attendants for groups of over 15 people (excluding people with free admission).
* If the number of participants exceeds 30 people, we kindly inform you that you might be asked to split into several groups and space out your entrance in the venue.

Date and Time of Group Visit

Date of Group Visit

Group reservations are not accepted on closed days (Tuesdays, New Year's holidays, and exhibition change periods), weekends, and national holidays.

Time of Arrival

Opening Hours: 10:00 - 19:00 (Last admission at 18:30)

Name of Group

Organizer's Information

Organization Name
Organizer's Title
Organizer's Name
Address (Enter complete address)
E-mail(for verification)
Please enter your E-mail again
Telephone Number

Information regarding the person in charge on the visiting day

*To be filled out only if different from above
Person's Title
Company Name
Cell Phone Number

Number of Attendees

Travel Company Attendant (Including Tour Agents, Guides and Translators) people
Chaperone (Teachers) people
General / Adult people
University / College Student people
High School Student people
Junior High School Student and Under people
Total number of Attendees people

* If the Group includes people with a certificate of disability, invitations or a membership pass, please let us know in the 'Remarks' column below



*If you have selected 'Yes', please fill the following entry with the recipient's name

Recipient's Name

If you have any question, remark or special needs, please let us know below


If the information entered above is correct, please click de 'Send' button